
the sky last night

As quickly as the vibrant colors of fall came...they were gone


Anonymous said...

There was a couple walking by when I shot these...I was on my back on the ground looking up...hard to get a good shot of sky in the city...you should have seen the look on their faces...:) I think it was worth it.

Arun said...

Love these three pictures! Absolutely!

~ A

brenda said...

Sandi!!! you are an excellent photographer, in my opinion---Brenda

Green Chameleon said...

Wow, great photos! I wish a had a nice camera, but I have no any camera right now. Anyway I have taken some photos and sometimes I publish some of them in my blog...

Keep taking photos!

~Manda said...

hee hee its funny the things we do to our selves for a "great shot" :) me and my husband were driving one day down the express way and he said you got your camera and was like yea.. why? and he was like look back there at the sky... next thing he knew, i jumped from the front side to the back sit and was taking pictures out the back window of the truck! :) he was crackin up about it. ;) sometimes im just the entertainment! :) hee hee

Vulcan said...

avesome pictures and colors Sandi, i love these blue shades!

allison WONDERland said...

I love "through the trees to the sky" shots. Some of my personal favs. So true about nature changing though. Come to Texas it's all still GREEN, with teases of red. So sad. Today was in the 70's and was as high as 89 this week. BOO!

KMJ said...

The framing on that second shot is just brilliant. The bareness of autumn turning to winter just 'fills' the space so wonderfully!